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Reading to a Better Self

Updated: Aug 26, 2019

There's no problem you can have that someone hasn't already solved and wrote about it in a book. ~ Will Smith

Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of self-help books being read, largely due to our intrinsic need for self-improvement. Self-help books purport to aid us in living happier, be enlightened and more successful in life. Many notable celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith have accounted to the transformation experienced through self-help books. Notwithstanding this, critics are of the view that self-help books are a bunch of incredibly, cheesy quack feeding the latest societal 'wave'.

From personal experience I have found these books eye-opening, soul-opening and of much value. With proper research you can find self-help books that are relatable and feels like reading advice from a trusted friend or an inspiring mentor. The beauty of self-help books is no matter the situation there is a book to give a little pick-me-up.

If you are on a journey of striving to develop a better relationship with the most important person in your life - YOU! or would like some literary push; below is a list of recommended reads. Some I have previously read, others I will be reading.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book will re-open your eyes to things you know but refuse to acknowledge, especially as you grow older. A definite must-read.

Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes

A book that encourages you to get out of your comfort zone, let your guard down and give yourself the opportunity to truly experience life. I had a few 'light-bulb' moments.

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living An Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

As the title states, this book tackles self-doubt. I found it witty, refreshing and felt like a close friend was chatting to me about the value of seeing my self-worth.

Be Unapologetically You: A Self Love Guide for Women of Color by Adeline Bird

The author explains that self-love is a journey that starts with self-forgiveness and acceptance of the past.

Black Girl You Can Do This: A Book of Love and Empowerment for The Next Generation by Brittni Kirkpatrick

The author's intent is to urge black girls to explore their ideas and values, find the meaning and truth within, and to always be true to themselves and not trying to fit into the crowd.

The Self-Love Experiment: 15 Principles for Becoming More Kind, Compassionate, and Accepting Yourself by Shannon Kaiser

The author walks you through her own personal experiment, to encourage you to overcome fears, stop self-sabotage, and ultimately fall in love with your life.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel

The author explains that everything we do is found in agreements made with ourselves, other people, God and life; the most important being the ones with ourselves.

The Up Side of Down: Why Failing Well Is The Key to Success by Megan McArdle

Failure and mistakes are inevitable. Megan wants readers to know mistakes are lessons, how to find success in failure and the importance of being confident in the most challenging times.

milk and honey by Rupi Kaur

A book of poetry divided into four chapters taking the reader through life's most bitter moments and how to find sweetness in them.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

From the author of Eat, Prey, Love - this book is mainly for those who are struggling to fuel the artist within while being conflicted with society's expectation to work in the corporate world.

Leave Your Mark: Land Your Dream Job, Kill It In Your Career, Rock Social Media by Aliza Licht

Based on reviews this book has practical and non-generic advice on how to work your way up in your career and get the raise you deserve.

The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo

A guide to determining items that sparks joy (and doesn't) to help in clearing the clutter and enjoy a calm and motivated mindset.

Join me in reading. Once you have read - comment or send a message letting me know which book(s) you found helpful even in the tiniest way.

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